

We offer one-on-one coaching in: diversity, equity & inclusion in executive leadership, life visioning & enhancement, and professional development. We work with you to align your values with purposeful actions. Together we co-create intentional paths towards equitable leadership, clarifying your voice and social position, and retirement visioning.

DEI and Leadership Workshops

We facilitate workshops in equitable leadership, development of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) journey at your organization, and team communication. Our workshops are participatory, from the identification of stakeholders, to centering the voices of workshop participants, and co-designing applicable actions for change.

Collective Impact Strategy

Drawing on your organizational data and input from your staff and stakeholders, we partner with you to co-design strategies for effective impact. This may involve participatory strategic visioning, ways to empower you and your team to an improved state of organizational culture, or an influence campaign that capitalizes on networks and collective action.

Other services:

Free 30 mins. informational

I get it. It is hard to figure out what you need, or whether Reap-n-Leap's services are a good fit. That is why I offer a free 30 mins. informational. No strings attached.

Somatic awareness

Becoming more aware of your bodily sensations enables you to more consciously choose how you respond to demanding situations at work, at home, and in your social life. Vulnerability, compassion, and composure distinguish the leaders we admire. I marry the strengths of coaching and ancient healing practices to increase your somatic awareness.

Liberated leadership: social justice from within

How do you react under stress? How may such unconscious reactions limit your leadership? Stress is unavoidable, but freeing yourself from the inner enemies that dominate your reactions is avoidable. I work with you (and your team) to liberate you from the unspoken norms that may be the source of unconscious oppression at work.

what clients say...

Working with Peyina over the last few months has made a profound impact on my life. She helped me explore what I value most and what I want to achieve. I find it incredibly valuable to “game plan” with Peyina as she grasps what motivates me very quickly.

When we are together, we talk deeply about the underlying meaning of each of my goals. During our sessions, we take inventory to set my intentions in the right direction. We also identify several ways that I can take immediate action on my objectives. I highly recommend Peyina to anyone that wants to identify and achieve meaningful goals.

Jane Geiser
Project Manager

I LOVED working with Peyina. Her guidance and insights were both a relief and empowering. I appreciated that she allowed our conversations to follow their natural course, while being mindful to stop and check-in to offer me the option to either continue down the path, or go back to our agreed-upon session goals. Always attentive and tactful, Peyina often asked permission to challenge my thinking or to repeat something relevant (and sometimes conflicting) that she heard me say earlier. In particular, I appreciated Peyina’s guidance as we identified core values over the course of 4 sessions.

Each session was its own, but also built on the session before it. She left the cadence and priorities up to me, but offered suggestions where she thought appropriate. My only regret is that I was only able to work with her for four sessions. If I’m ever in a place to pursue professionally coaching in the future, Peyina will be the first person that I call. I would recommend her enthusiastically to any of my friends and colleagues.

Maxx Kaplan
Operations Systems Analyst

Reap-n-Leap helped me to clarify my ideas and map out pathways for my goals. As a leader and a Coach to other leaders, I went in with an open mind and by the middle of every session, I got an "Aha" moment.

Peyina's questions were deep and thought provoking and she was able to pull out things that were buried deep in my subconscious. Her coaching sessions helped me both professionally and personally to align my values with my purpose. She is very skilled, patient, tenacious, thorough and professional.

I highly recommend her for leaders who are not even aware that they may be at a pivotal point in their career or even a pivoting point in their life

Jenefeness Tucker, MBA
Award Winning Educator to Leaders in Small Businesses

Peyina is a phenomenal coach. I met Peyina through the Washington Technology Industry Association's Ion Collaborators program. To me, working with her was one of the most valuable parts of the program.

Peyina actively listens and guides conversations in a way that allowed her to notice assumptions I was making and trends in my stories that weren't always obvious to me. This helped me clarify my personal strengths and my objectives for activating those strengths. But most importantly, her work has been helping me shape new narratives in my life to produce positive behaviors and outcomes. I feel like I gained years of clarity in a few sessions.

Charlotte Lunday
Associate Attorney

About us

REAP-n-LEAP Coaching & Consulting’s mission lies in building individual and organizational capacity by aligning values with purposeful work. Reap-n-Leap is particularly committed to serving organizations seeking to develop their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) journey and translate their DEI consciousness into actions that enable equity. This commitment is driven by the founder’s deep multicultural experiences of marginalization and privilege across various socio-economic strata. In addition, with subject matter expertise (in learning, motivation, belonging, community, leadership, coaching, power structures) and experience facilitating DEI, participatory workshops and group behavior change, Reap-n-Leap is uniquely positioned to walk alongside your journey of growth; fully acknowledging those marginalized by unfavorable social structures; creating compassionate spaces to unearth the uncomfortable; and supporting individuals and organizations through emancipatory change.

R.E.A.P. is about relationships, empowerment, agreements, achievement, access, plans, production, evaluation before re-starting a new cycle of growth. We focus first on the foundations of trustworthy Relationships by crafting compassionate spaces that enable the discomfort and awareness necessary for change. We Explore deeply the underlying values and assumptions that may withhold us from change, with the goal of Empowering individuals to establish clear Agreements on what they want to Achieve, Plan a course of action and accountability. When we collaborate to build these foundations, we enable you through incremental change and and gradually LEAP into new possibilities.

We offer coaching/DEI training and development in organizations, leadership and coaching workshops, and privately coach executives, managers, and individuals seeking to: expand their consciousness around DEI issues, develop professional voice and agency, lead authentically, build a desirable organizational culture, manage people more effectively, improve communication, self-nourish, redefine personal narratives, access composure, and align their truest values with their work.

Coaching areas

We tailor coaching approaches to your particular needs. Clients have most frequently sought coaching in the following areas. Click on the arrow for a brief description of each area.

Managing your presence, self-presentation, self-acceptance, work-life balance, and using the strength of the personal values most important to you, to help you excel at what you do.

Strategies to improve your leadership and communication professionally and socially; elevating your awareness around issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion; and how to lead others through anti-racist conversations

Finding purpose, career planning (e.g., back to school, professional development, side-hustles, plans after retirement), arriving at a sustainable mental and emotional state

Redefining your social position; reclaiming your agency and deserved recognition​

The figure below shows the percentage of clients who have sought coaching in each category. Each client may have sought coaching in more than one category over one or more sessions.

Equitable Leadership & Communication
Career & Life Transitions
Professional Voice

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